Ross Shafer is Emmy award winning Television host, comedian, author, and popular keynote speaker on the subjects of market relevance, growing market share, and shifting customer trends.

How to Keep Life Simple

We should all simplify our lives and my friend Joe Calloway has some great ideas for how to do that. Hi everybody I’m Ross Shafer. Thanks for finding the Relevant Leaders Club where each week I post a new video on how to boost your business and your career and today I’m on location for a speech at the Arizona Biltmore in Phoenix. It’s a very unique resort in that it was inspired by the architect Frank Lloyd Wright. In fact, the designs you see throughout the compound are still licensed by the Wright family, which means they still get paid.

How to Get More “Likes” and “Fans”

I know what you want… you want a bigger social media audience for you, yourself or your business. Hi everybody, I’m Ross Shafer and I’m glad you found the Relevant Leaders Club where each week I post a new video to help you grow your business or your career. This week I want to talk about growing your social media fan base…getting more likes and followers for yourself or your business.

How to Launch Your Killer APP Idea

I’m Ross Shafer and I thank you for finding the Relevant Leaders Club where each week I post a new video to help boost your business and career. Today, I want to talk about YOUR big idea for an APP that will make you RICH. Every week, I get 3-4 people who pull me aside to say, “I’ve got a revolutionary idea for a new phone App but don’t tell anybody because I don’t want anybody to steal it.” Really? You’re worried that somebody might steal your non-developed app idea?

How to Save Your Job

This week I’m going to give you some tips on how to SAVE your career. This is not a joke. YOUR job is at risk – because over 30 million Americans are independent contractors, freelancers, temps, consultants, and moonlighters. These part-time workers can be hired to do specific tasks or complete short term projects – you know, like the ones you’ve been doing.

How To Do a 30-Second Elevator Pitch

Hi I’m Ross Shafer and I want to thank you for finding the Relevant Leaders Club where each week I post a video on how to build your business or your career. This week I want to talk to you about how you can be more interesting in an elevator… literally. I’m talking about how to give a better Elevator Pitch. Some people call it an Elevator speech; it’s the story you tell to explain what you do in 30 seconds or less.

Don’t Be Afraid of Disruption

Everybody seems to be talking about Disruption these days. But what does it mean and how does it affect you? Hi everybody, I’m Ross Shafer and I want to thank you for finding the Relevant Leaders Club where each week I post a new video to help you grow your career or your business. Today I want to talk about disruption. What is disruption exactly? Some people think disruption is another word for change, but it’s not. Change is disruption’s little brother.

How to Stop Career-Killing Blunders

I’m frequently asked, “What is the one mistake I should avoid?” Believe it or not, there IS one mistake that can derail you and I’ll bet you’re doing it right. I’m Ross Shafer and I want to thank you for finding the Relevant Leaders Club where each week I post a new video to help you grow your career or your business. Today, I want to talk about the dumbest blunder that we all make. I’ve been guilty of this myself. In fact, I always kick myself when I realize I’m doing it again.

Re-Think Your Success Idols

I’m Ross Shafer and I want to thank you for finding the Relevant Leaders Club where each week I post videos to help you grow your business and your career. Today I want you to rethink who you take inspiration from. Too often we look at the rich or famous on TV and think I WANT THAT LIFE but I have no idea how to get there? IT’s not magic. It’s not connections. It’s about drive. Desire. It’s rejection and never giving up. And right about now I know you’re saying BLAH, BLAH, BLAH, I’ve heard this all before, Ross. Well, here’s a story you haven’t heard.

You’re 50…Now What?

Ok, you’ve just turned 50… and your life didn’t turn out like your thought it would, so what do you do now? Hi I’m Ross Shafer and I want to thank you for finding the Relevant Leaders Club where each week I post a new video to help you grow your career or your business. Today, I want to talk to you about what’s going through your mind as you turn 50 or 60. Or, if you’re in your late 40’s… you’re close enough to get a lot out of this message.

Beware of Dangerous Motivational Speakers

I’m on a rant today and want to warn you about motivational speakers – the ones who are dangerous. This is no joke. Hi everybody I’m Ross Shafer and I want to thank you for finding the Relevant Leaders Club where I post new videos every week to help you grow your business and your career. Today, I want to warn you about dangerous motivational speakers; which pains me because as a business author and speaker, my clients think of ME as one of those guys. But I don’t ask my audiences to physically risk life and limb to prove a point.