Ross Shafer is Emmy award winning Television host, comedian, author, and popular keynote speaker on the subjects of market relevance, growing market share, and shifting customer trends.

Is Your Industry Dying

Recently, I’ve been getting panicked phone calls from smart, successful friends who ask, “I am afraid my industry is dying. How do I survive?” When I hear that I immediately wonder, “Is demand going away for your product? (Like when the automobile replaced the horse drawn carriage). Or is demand still strong for what you…

I’m 50. Now what?

Mid-Life Crisis much?! Almost everyone over 50 years old has asked the question. “I’m 50. Now what do I do?” Chances are you have been working for a quarter century (or more) and will recognize one or more of these scenarios. (1) You’ve worked at the same organization for most of your life. You wonder if…