What is a Fair Christmas Bonus?

This past weekend, I watched Chevy Chase’s Christmas Vacation – and one of my favorite scenes is when Clark Griswald’s boss tries to eliminate Christmas Bonuses. That clip resonated with millions of people who get stiffed every year…. Now, I’m not talking about those of you who have strict performance-based bonuses. I’m talking to the rest of you small business owners who arbitrarily come up with what you think is a “begrudgingly acceptable” December bonus.

Are You Doing The Right Thing?

Hi everybody I’m Ross Shafer and today on the Relevant Leaders Club I want to talk about the People who tell us, “Just do the right thing.” And I think I know what that means but sometimes the right thing just feels wrong. They say the right thing is to turn the other cheek when someone injures or wrongs you…but its too easy to think that retaliation is the right thing.

What is Speed Leadership?

You know about speed dating but today I want to talk about SPEED LEADERSHIP…and this idea came from a group of Millennial Leaders… (who by the way are not kids anymore). The first Millennials will be 40 in 3 years…so they have talent and experience – they just don’t have patience. Here’s what this group told me “I didn’t go to Wharton and I don’t want to study Peter Drucker or Jack Welch. Just tell me three things I need to know about leading people. GO!

Are You Feeling Rejected?

I want to talk about rejection…and more specifically…how to be just fine with it. I’m serious! I have become a big fan of Rejection. Rejection is actually very good for us. Having our plans trounced is sometimes the resistance we need…to get better…to toughen up. A tree’s root system gets stronger when the tree is subjected to high winds.” When you go to a gym and wake up sore, the soreness is good for you. It forces your muscles to rebuild… stronger.

What is the Greatest Risk to Your Leadership

So, what is the Greatest Risk to your Leadership? If you think it’s about failing, you’re wrong. Right now, the US election is over – and half of you are probably angry about how it turned out. The worst part of this past election season (for me)…and I’d bet for you – was the relentless name calling, the resurrection of decades-old video, and the campaign ADS that assassinated the character of each candidate… Hillary was Crooked…and Trump was…Creepy…AND THAT brings me to what I believe is the single greatest risk of leadership. Your greatest risk isn’t about your success or failure.

The Difference Between Management and Leadership

Is there a difference between Management? and…Leadership? YES! This week I want to talk about the vast difference between Management and Leadership…because a lot of people think they mean the same thing. They don’t. I was doing Q & A for a large association in Miami this week and I thought leaders would want to spout off about it…but the majority of the discussion came from employees and staff. Non-managers see it this way. We HAVE to do what management says…but we WANT to do what leadership says.

How to Master Your Craft

I know you’re probably really good at something. But are you a master? Do you want to achieve Mastery? Good because I want to talk about how to become a Master of your Craft. A friend of mine is Mike Neun, Mike was a valuable mentor who helped me learn MY craft. What I love about Mike is that he doesn’t just pursue what he finds interesting….he sets out to master that interest. Last week Mike told me about a book by Robert Greene titled Mastery.

The Pow Wow Effect on Customer Service

I’ve got a totally fresh approach for teaching customer service. I’ve actually invented a bulletproof way for your entire team – from the entry level on up – to instantly start improving your customer experience. A bold statement, right? Well, I’ve written and produced (14) HR training films on this subject and written books on Customer Empathy and Customer Urgency. And over the years, I’ve seen the formulas for building a “customer centric culture” get more and more complex.

When Does Loyalty Happen

I want to talk about when loyalty happens. It’s the final moment of every transaction. All of our lives we’ve been told to make a good first impression…and that’s certainly important but the most important moment is our final impression. How your customers feel at the end of the transaction influences if they will come back…and more importantly, what they will tell other people about you.