“Pinnacle Ace Hardware Retailers were galvanized to six-time Emmy award- winning comedian and writer Ross Shafer. He brought business insights and humor to his presentation that totally engaged the audience. Ross spoke passionately to the importance of “remaining relevant in our fast-paced and ever- changing world of retail landscape.” He made it clear, “It’s not about us … it’s about our customer!” He urged everyone to “Stay innovative under pressure and to embrace the strengths that come with being small and nimble.”

THE CLIENT: Ace Hardware Corporation is a retailers’ cooperative based in Oak Brook, Illinois. Ace has over 4,600 locations, and does over $13 billion in annual retail sales.
THE CLIENT’S OBJECTIVES: Each year, Ace Hardware invites their top 200 retailers to The Pinnacle Event in Las Vegas, Nevada. The event is considered an “awards trip” where owners, spouses, and senior executives can network with other Pinnacle members for fun, celebration, and education. The keynote speaker for this event must be able to enlighten these small to medium size retailers on how to keep improving their customer experience scores, train and retain skilled staff members, and share innovative practices from outside the retail hardware industry. Ross Shafer was chosen for several reasons.
- Ross has a background as a successful multi-store retailer.
- He has done extensive research relevant to the customer experience (as evidenced by his six business books).
- Ross is highly entertaining for all audiences; which ACE found especially appropriate considering that spouses would be in attendance.
ROSS’S DELIVERABLES: Ross was able to highly customize his 75-minute Keynote speech based upon two phone conversations with client representatives. Ross outlined how to design and engineer a predictable customer journey map – to better predict customer experience outcomes. He coached the leaders how to adopt a mindset results in “other-centered” organizations. Ross’s message demonstrated the home-town advantage smaller retailers have over the “big box” outlets. Ross gave specific case study examples of how each of us can marry our individual strengths to our local/regional demographics. He reminded team members to remain accountable for their own success and Win With What You Have; rather than assign blame to management, the supply chain, government regulations, or competition.