30 Seconds to Customer Greatness

So, today’s lesson is this: Is it really possible to achieve a culture of customer greatness in just 30 seconds? Let me put it to you this way. When you meet someone new how long does it take for you to size up that person? 15 seconds? 30 seconds? Or how about the reverse, how long does it take other people to form an opinion about you in 30 seconds? For those of you who say, “I don’t care what people think about me” then I’d urge you to consider the value of 30 seconds.

Do You Want to Be a Relevant Leader?

I created the Relevant Leader’s Club is to keep you relevant, as a leader. Being relevant is very different from just being current. Current is being aware that your business is changing…but being relevant is making sure that you matter to your team and your customers. If you don’t matter they will leave you and nobody will care. Staying relevant (as a leader) is where I know we can have some fun.