The Hard Case for Patient Empathy

Patients today live in a world of stress, heartache, and daily disruptions. Now more than ever, they need the empathy and understanding of their physicians, nurses, and healthcare providers. Who is Winning a Patient’s Trust Today? The hospitals and medical practices who continue to win market share and patient loyalty know something most don’t. When…

How to be a Paid Speaker

Dear Man, Woman, Relative, Teacher or Friend Who Wants To Speak Professionally, I’ve done a lot of seemingly dumb things in my life. Stand-up comedian, house painter, pet shop owner, TV host, radio personality, and spent most of those years…respectfully unemployed. But through persistence and dedication (to my core interests and values) I stumbled my…

How to Tell Great Stories

WHO SHOULD READ THIS ARTICLE? I am writing this for motivational speakers who want to find an endless supply of stories they can use to encourage other people. I include in the list of “motivational speakers,” professional orators, pastors, priests, rabbis, attorneys, teachers, professors, lecturers, salespeople, parents, and anyone else who intends to influence behaviors…

I’m 50. Now what?

Mid-Life Crisis much?! Almost everyone over 50 years old has asked the question. “I’m 50. Now what do I do?” Chances are you have been working for a quarter century (or more) and will recognize one or more of these scenarios. (1) You’ve worked at the same organization for most of your life. You wonder if…